Clinical Commissioning Group

The Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) buys health services on behalf of everyone living in Oxfordshire. Each practice is represented and feeds its opinions and plans to the OCCG. In our area, representative GPs from all practices in Bicester, Islip, Kidlington and Woodstock meet monthly and discuss health issues and commissioning plans. To do this successfully the group also liaises with other agencies, as well as the public, in order to gain their views and benefit from their experience.

We are very keen for everyone to get their voice heard and to facilitate this locally we have set up a group with representatives (patients, doctors and practice managers) to give their opinions. We plan to meet every few months to discuss local health care issues and to involve as many people as possible to shape the services we need locally. If you are interested in joining this group and attending our meetings, please contact the practice.

Please visit their website for more information: